Free PDF Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Free PDF Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor

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Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor

Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor

Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor

Free PDF Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor

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Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Dave Taylor is a popular writer focused on both business and technology. A thirty year veteran of the Unix world, he's a columnist for "Linux Journal" and writes extensively about gadgets and technology at Founder of four Internet startups, author of twenty books, he's also an award-winning public speaker and film critic, when he's not busy being single dad to his three children.


Taschenbuch: 216 Seiten

Verlag: O'Reilly UK Ltd.; Auflage: 2nd edition (28. Februar 2016)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1491939982

ISBN-13: 978-1491939987

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

17,8 x 1,4 x 23,3 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.6 von 5 Sternen

3 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 104.420 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Dieses Buch ist ein guter Einstieg in die umfassenden Möglichkeiten von OS X über das Terminal. Schwerpunkt liegt auf Didaktik und Vermittlung der logischen Zusammenhänge. Sehr gelungen ist auch der "Ausflug" in Gebiete wie X11 Oberflächen. Dieses Buch ist geeignet für Compueraffine Nutzer, die in die Tiefe von Unix BSD einsteigen möchten. Danach hat man Appetit auf Mehr und sehr schön ist nach Selbstudium des Buches die Erkenntnis, das Unix nicht nur den absoluten Cracks vorbehalten ist, sondern auch von "Otto-Normalverbraucher" erlernt werden kann.

I bought the book since I found the desktop look and feel great but not sufficient. The book allowed me to have a look at OS X from the other side. It is a start to getting in control of my system. Sure, you will be able to work with OS X without it, but it is more fun with it. It runs you through the basics of Unix command line usage and structured the sheer endless possibilities well for me. Thank you!

A good text book for newbies

Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor PDF
Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor EPub
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Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor Mobipocket
Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor Kindle

Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor PDF

Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor PDF

Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor PDF
Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell, by Dave Taylor PDF

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